Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Week in the Life :: Sunday

And here's how Sunday has gone so far...

Here's my Sunday title photo... we went to see HP7 pt2 today - it was immense!

Breakfast for the rosy cheeked bubba...

I couldn't resist buying him All Blacks nappies....(not long to go until the Rugby World Cup starts)

Playing with the pompoms...

Breakfast al-fresco for the puppydog this morning because he had muddy paws...

It was a lovely sunny Sunday in Palmy...

Baby went to friends from coffee group whilst me and G went to the movies. He had a great time and was so exhausted from all the playing and mischief that he fell asleep within minutes of being in the car home (still only slept for 40 mins though...crazy baby!)

Footie kit on the line...

Late afternoon tag-pulling and puppy annoying playing...

Roast chicken for Sunday dinner...yum!

It's funny because I feel I kept the momentum for this project going pretty well through the week but I am so glad today is the final day. I've struggled with remembering to lift the camera and jot down the notes today which is a sure-fire sign that I'm not as enthused as I was earlier in the week.

But I am excited about seeing how it all comes together in an album. I hope to share more on that soon. In the meantime we should be back to more regular posts this coming week.

You can see all of my Week in the Life posts here and you can find out more about this project over at Ali Edwards site.

Happy Sunday everyone :-)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Week in the Life :: Saturday and some thoughts on bringing it all together

The weekend is here...hang on a minute, it's nearly halfway done :-(
Today actually seemed quite long for a weekend-day. Probably because I've been awake since 7am and the baby slept all night! WOOP! I got 8 hours uninterrupted sleep last night. That is cause for a HUGE celebration in this house!
Here's how Saturday has looked...

G dragged out the mini trampoline which baby took an almost instant liking to... 

I had a bit of time to myself before G headed out for football. Updated some Week in the Life stuff (sorting photos into folders for each day, deleting duplicates etc)...

Plus I made quite a simple front cover window title page for what will become my Week in the Life album...

We spent some time watching birds playing in the garden...

I refilled my home-made baby wipes spray...

We spent some time in the warm sunshine in the back garden...

the dog was in heaven...

I've been taking an Instax every day for this project (to go in the album) and lined up all the photos so far and took a photo...

Chopping apples to make an apple pie...

:: As for album progress :: 
I've got each days photos to be printed down to around 30. 
I need to have a play around with my album and see how many photos I think I can fit in for each day. 
The album is 8x8 and I am allocating 4 pages for each day. I've also been working on each day's title photograph. I edited a photo for each day so far to show the day name as well. Here's an example...

I'm planning to print this photo 6x4 or 5x7 for each day and have that on a page with the instax shot (if it'll fit) and possibly some notes. Then the next 2 pages will be mosaic type style of mini photos from the day (this is where I need to work out how many I can fit in depending on orientation. I'm also wondering if I can crop them all to square shape?). I'm not 100% sure about the 4th page yet. I'm guessing I'm going to need more room for notes and maybe a couple more highlighted photos (but printed small rather than 6x4).
This could all change, of course, once I have the images printed in front of me!
I'm hoping to get the photos sorted and printed during the week and then *fingers crossed* start scrapping them next weekend. I'm excited to see how this is all going to come together as an album :-)

You can see all my Week in the Life posts here and learn more about the project at Ali Edwards website here.

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Week in the Life :: Friday

In some ways the week has flown, in others it feels like it took a while to get to the weekend!
As part of a week in the life, here's how Friday has looked for us...

Sleepy bubba....

Whenever I sit on the floor, I have instant company...

Heading out on the country road to coffee group...

Back home from coffee group and playing in the living room...

Supermarket shopping. G met us there and we all headed home. I also saw some old friends that I haven't seen for, before I was even pregnant AGES. That's a long time in Palmy!

Cuddles with daddy...

And then came the second burst of energy so playing with Daddy and Rhett...

Baby in bed, I had a lovely bath and read a magazine and then sat down with a wee drink (Malibu and Diet Coke - still an Essex girl at heart!) and some snacks...

The weekend is set to be quite busy - here's hoping I can keep up with the picture and note taking!
Sorry this post is lacking in words but my bed is calling my name :-)
Have a lovely weekend folks :-)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Week in the Life :: Thursday

Woo-hoo, I'm officially over halfway in Week in the Life! Here's how Thursday has looked so far...

Running late so took toast and a lemsip in the car... 

G driving after we dropped baby off with the childminder...

I got some work pics today. Here I am at Desk 1...

And here's Desk 2 :-)

Home with baby and I got a load of washing on. I swear I'm not being paid for product placement!

Playing with bubbles, he LOVES it!

Pizza for dinner - naughty...

I redeemed myself by cleaning up the kitchen and washing up though...

Bathtime for baby before bed...

The good news is I'm feeling better today. Still planning on another early night though. 
Hope you are all having a fabulous week :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Week in the Life :: Wednesday

I've made it this far with Ali Edwards' Week in the Life project.
I haven't taken as many photos today but still getting enough to show day to day life.
Today was a little different for us as we headed over to Feilding - a town about 15 minutes drive away. I haven't spent much time there really so it was a bit of an adventure. 
I am also sick. Just a cold but when I sit down and rest I feel like I can't get back up! It means I am struggling with my energy levels but I'm heading to bed after posting this. I'm hoping getting lots of rest when I can will help. And I really hope I can get through this project all the way until Sunday (and beyond in terms of getting the album together).
(side note: wow, when you have kids it really doesn't pay to be sick does it? I wish I'd taken more advantage of sick days where I could actually stay in bed and sleep when I had the chance!)

Anyway, enough's what today has looked like...

Early morning hand holding...

Drying my hair (self timer!)...

Me and the dog went to check the mailbox while baby watched from the warmth of indoors...

Playing together...(I absolutely LOVE how this project is really showing the relationship these two have)

Checking the map before we set out...

Caramel Mud cup cake for morning tea (it was delicious!)...

Later in the day, picking G up from work...

Walking practice down the hallway...(I don't care that this is blurry - I still love it!)

Sandwich making for tomorrow (self timer)...

So there you have it. That was just a small sample of today.
Something else that has been great is G picking up the camera and taking photos when I've not been around to see what's happening. I'm glad it's turning into a family affair.

Right - off to bed with a lemsip for me.
I hope those that are joining in are enjoying it and those that aren't are not getting too bored with all this day-to-day-ness :-)

You can see all of my Week in the Life posts here.


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