Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Winter Solstice

Yesterday was Winter Solstice here in New Zealand. The shortest day of the year. 
Now we are on the climb back towards summer and warm days and lighter evenings. Woop :-)

I decided to do something to celebrate the day. 
Here in New Zealand winter gets awfully long without any celebrations in the middle (I miss winter Christmas'!) so I needed to find someway to mark the season.

So out I toddled into the garden yesterday afternoon. I cut some of the camelia's to bring inside the house as they are providing such a lovely burst of colour on these chilly days. 

I refilled the bird feeder with seed because I'm sure the birds could do with some easy food right now.

I gathered and lit lots of candles on our mantlepiece.

And I got out the fairylights.

I also burned some Herb Farm anti-germ oil in the burner. It has cloves and cinnamon in it and is the most wintery smelling oil I have!

It all gave a rather warming affect and it was very cosy in our living room with the candles and fairy lights twinkling away. 
I'm also considering planting some garlic this week (probably at the weekend) because I hear winter solstice is the best time to plant it.
And I'm trying to spent a bit of time thinking and planning this week. In  my winter solstice research I saw mention again and again of it being a time for contemplation so I'm taking some time to evaluate where I am right now and where I want to be.

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