Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Creative Space: Superhero Cape

We've been invited to a 1st birthday party with the theme of heroes and villains at the weekend. I looked around online and the shops for costumes but was scandalised by the cost of most of them ($40+ and it's probably only going to be worn once!). They were cheaper overseas but I wasn't convinced the post would be quick enough to get here in time.

So I decided to make a superhero cape for baby boy.
And I should probably add here that I am the worst ever at sewing! It just doesn't come naturally to there were a fair few swear words mentioned during the making of the cape :-) (thank goodness I did it while baby was sleeping in bed!)

Anyway, I'd saved some old t-shirts in my sewing stuff box (stuff I could practice on without wasting fabric I paid for!) including a navy t-shirt. I decided to cut the back panel and collar out as one into a cape type shape. I then tidied up the cut edges (is that called hemming?!) which was probably the longest job because I can't work the sewing machine properly!

I also made a suitable superhero logo using felt and embroidery thread (hanging about from the friendship bracelet making of last week!). I printed a star to use and drew around the bottom of a small metal bucket for the circle and cut each out of felt before sewing them together and then onto the back of the cape.

It's not quite finished yet. I need to add some velcro to the collar part (which I cut in two so that there can be no strangling incidents) and tidy up those edges and then we should be ready to go.

And here are some pictures complete with superhero...

As you can see it's quite long so hopefully it will be able to get tucked away in a special box just for dressing up and costumes and last a wee while yet :-)

Perhaps this is a case of "the baby maketh the cape" :-)

On a side note: I can't believe babies from our antenatal class are already turning 1! 
Where has the year gone?

Linking up with Our Creative Spaces 

Thirty Hand Made Days


  1. You do realise that you started out with one of the harder materials to sew on a sewing machine?! Good job and keep going, it only gets easier :-)

  2. Nice needle work!! I love the blue/red star.

    By the way, my 8 & 10 year old girls have been making frienship bracelets too. It is amazing how much my 8 daughter has improved, since she did it last year.

  3. Your cape looks fantastic - well done for sticking at it! I agree with tartankiwi too about the degree of difficulty - I actually avoid stretch fabrics even though I am a sewer because they scare me a little!!

  4. Thanks Ladies :-) Especially for the heads up on the fabric choice. Will try something a little less stretchy for my next project!


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