Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal Wedding Bits and Pieces

I think all this Royal Wedding madness is making me a little bit nostalgic about the country where I was born and grew up. I am loving all the Union Jack decorations and other cute Royal Wedding bits and pieces available everywhere at the moment.

I plan to watch the wedding on Friday night and have even done a little decorating for the occasion...

Here's the link to the Union Jack Mini Bunting printable and here's a close up...

I'm also hosting coffee group on Friday morning so plan to serve a few British things as part of the celebration. All going well I plan to make a Victoria Sponge, some cucumber sandwiches and pink lemonade. There are recipes available on the UKTV Facebook page if you fancy giving any of these a go!

I'm also considering printing the Boden Bingo Cards which look like fun (found via Lil Magoolie)! Hopefully I can convince my husband to play along. You play bingo with certain phrases as the commentary is on. 

And here's another couple of cute things I've found in my hunt for things on the internet...

Design Editor printable set

 Does anyone else have any plans to celebrate? 
If so, would love to hear what you are up to :-)

Edited to add:
I'm pretty sure this video has done the rounds but if you haven't yet seen it this Royal Wedding spoof is well worth a watch :-)


  1. I saw that clip on breakfast last week. Hilarious

  2. Isn't it?! T-Mobile, a UK mobile phone company did it. They've had a few good ads!

  3. That bunting is so cute, thanks for sharing :)


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